

verb глагол

Синонимы: moult, shed.

  1. линять

Примеры предложений

The female ladybug lays eggs on the leaves of plants, which molt to nymphs and then to adults.
Самка божьей коровки откладывает яйца на листья растений, которые линяют до нимф, а затем до взрослых особей.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I molt We molt
You molt You molt
He/She/It molts They molt
Past Simple
I molted We molted
You molted You molted
He/She/It molted They molted
Future Simple
I will molt We will molt
You will molt You will molt
He/She/It will molt They will molt

Present Continuous
I am molting We are molting
You are molting You are molting
He/She/It is molting They are molting
Past Continuous
I was molting We were molting
You were molting You were molting
He/She/It was molting They were molting
Future Continuous
I will be molting We will be molting
You will be molting You will be molting
He/She/It will be molting They will be molting

Present Perfect
I have molted We have molted
You have molted You have molted
He/She/It has molted They have molted
Past Perfect
I had molted We had molted
You had molted You had molted
He/She/It had molted They had molted
Future Perfect
I will have molted We will have molted
You will have molted You will have molted
He/She/It will have molted They will have molted

md5 hash от слова molt: 824e7c719a69c7d96e9f91c60cbf734c


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