

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): sheds.

Синонимы: barn, booth, cabin, depository, depot, hut, roundhouse, shack, shad.

  1. сарай

    wood shed
    дровяной сарай

    wooden shed
    деревянный навес

    metal shed
    металлический ангар

  2. депо
  3. Шед
  4. будка

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): shed
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): shed

Синонимы: pour, discard, drop, exhale, flush, molt, moult, ooze, rain, stream.

  1. лить

    shed tears
    лить слезы

  2. сбрасывать

    shed weight
    потерять вес

  3. ронять
  4. линять
  5. литься
  6. источать

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений shed на 1 миллион слов: 8.

Примеры предложений

Snakes shed their skin every year.
Змеи каждый год сбрасывают кожу.

I cannot shed a tear for that horrible man.
Я не могу лить слезы по этому ужасному человеку.

The snake shed its skin.
Змея сбросила кожу.

He shed innocent blood just for kicks.
Он пролил кровь невинных чисто по приколу.

Tom shed tears.
Том лил слёзы.

He didn't shed a tear.
Он не проронил ни слезинки.

The cart was in the shed.
Телега была в сарае.

It isn't likely that Tom will shed any tears if Mary gets fired.
Не похоже, что Том будет сильно горевать, если Мэри уволят.

He is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Он не самый умный человек на свете.

Clean out the shed and throw away things you don't need.
Приберись в сарае и выбрось вещи, которые тебе не нужны.

Such was her joy that she shed tears.
Она была так счастлива, что заплакала.

She shed plentiful tears when her beloved dog was killed in an accident.
Она пролила много слез по любимой собаке, умершей в результате несчастного случая.

She shed tears while listening to the story.
Она плакала, слушая рассказ.

She shed bitter tears.
Она заливалась горькими слезами.

She tried not to shed tears.
Она старалась не плакать.

She shed tears.
Она плакала.

They shed their blood for their independence.
Они пролили свою кровь за независимость.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I shed We shed
You shed You shed
He/She/It shed They shed
Past Simple
I shed We shed
You shed You shed
He/She/It shed They shed
Future Simple
I will shed We will shed
You will shed You will shed
He/She/It will shed They will shed

Present Continuous
I am shedding We are shedding
You are shedding You are shedding
He/She/It is shedding They are shedding
Past Continuous
I was shedding We were shedding
You were shedding You were shedding
He/She/It was shedding They were shedding
Future Continuous
I will be shedding We will be shedding
You will be shedding You will be shedding
He/She/It will be shedding They will be shedding

Present Perfect
I have shed We have shed
You have shed You have shed
He/She/It has shed They have shed
Past Perfect
I had shed We had shed
You had shed You had shed
He/She/It had shed They had shed
Future Perfect
I will have shed We will have shed
You will have shed You will have shed
He/She/It will have shed They will have shed

md5 hash от слова shed: 5589981e31c4aa2e4034c2ac329ac25f


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