

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): monitors.

Синонимы: supervisor, watchdog, adviser, bystander, chaperone, checker, controller, counselor, educator, guide, lookout, master, mentor, observer, overseer.

  1. монитор

    real time monitor
    монитор реального времени

    heart rate monitor
    монитор сердечного ритма

    virtual machine monitor
    монитор виртуальных машин

    network of neutron monitors
    сеть нейтронных мониторов

  2. староста

    monitor of the class
    староста класса

  3. наблюдатель
  4. отслеживание
  5. наставник

    single monitor
    единственный наставник

  6. видеомонитор
  7. контролер
  8. кардиомонитор

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): monitored.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): monitored.

Синонимы: administer, attend, check, dominate, eye, follow, keep, regulate, spy, supervise, verify.

  1. контролировать

    monitored parameter
    контролируемый параметр

  2. следить

    monitor the progress
    следить за прогрессом

    monitor the process
    наблюдать за процессом

    continuously monitor
    постоянно отслеживать

  3. осуществлять мониторинг
  4. мониторить

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: audit, benchmark, check, control, controlling, inspection, monitoring, pilot, supervisory, telltale, watchdog.

  1. мониторный
  2. контрольный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений monitor на 1 миллион слов: 21.

Примеры предложений

Many companies monitor their employees' internet activity.
Многие компании следят за деятельностью своих сотрудников в интернете.

I'll monitor your progress from my computer.
Я буду следить за твоим прогрессом с моего компьютера.

Have you calibrated your monitor?
Ты откалибровал свой монитор?

A display, aka monitor, is an appliance that displays video signal of still images and moving pictures produced by a computer or similar device.
Дисплей, или монитор, – это приспособление, отображающее видеосигнал статических образов и движущихся картин, сгенерированный компьютером или другим подобным устройством.

Tom sneezed all over Mary's monitor and keyboard.
Том чихнул прямо на экран и клавиатуру Марии.

It's a cheap monitor.
Это дешёвый монитор.

Here's an optical illusion: you think you are looking at a cube, while in fact you are looking at your monitor.
Вот оптическая иллюзия: Вы думаете, что смотрите на куб, а на самом деле Вы смотрите на монитор.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I monitor We monitor
You monitor You monitor
He/She/It monitors They monitor
Past Simple
I monitored We monitored
You monitored You monitored
He/She/It monitored They monitored
Future Simple
I will monitor We will monitor
You will monitor You will monitor
He/She/It will monitor They will monitor

Present Continuous
I am monitoring We are monitoring
You are monitoring You are monitoring
He/She/It is monitoring They are monitoring
Past Continuous
I was monitoring We were monitoring
You were monitoring You were monitoring
He/She/It was monitoring They were monitoring
Future Continuous
I will be monitoring We will be monitoring
You will be monitoring You will be monitoring
He/She/It will be monitoring They will be monitoring

Present Perfect
I have monitored We have monitored
You have monitored You have monitored
He/She/It has monitored They have monitored
Past Perfect
I had monitored We had monitored
You had monitored You had monitored
He/She/It had monitored They had monitored
Future Perfect
I will have monitored We will have monitored
You will have monitored You will have monitored
He/She/It will have monitored They will have monitored

md5 hash от слова monitor: 08b5411f848a2581a41672a759c87380


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