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noun существительное

множественное число (plural): overhangs.

Синонимы: canopy, crash, departure, ejection, embarkation, gab, leaching, offset, outreach, overhanging, penthouse, radius, roof, shelter, sortie.

  1. свес

    front overhang
    передний свес

    roof overhang
    выступ крыши

  2. вылет

    tool overhang
    вылет инструмента

  3. нависание
  4. навес
  5. вынос

verb глагол

Синонимы: protrude, act, advocate, appear, bulge, campaign, compete, hang, hover, intervene, intimidate, jeopardize, menace, oppose, perform.

  1. нависать
  2. угрожать
  3. выдаваться
  4. выступать
  5. свешивать


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и overhang: hangover.

Примеры предложений

Just as Tom looked up, an icicle fell from overhang of roof.
Как раз в тот момент, когда Том поднял глаза, с навеса крыши упала сосулька.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I overhang We overhang
You overhang You overhang
He/She/It overhangs They overhang
Past Simple
I overhung We overhung
You overhung You overhung
He/She/It overhung They overhung
Future Simple
I will overhang We will overhang
You will overhang You will overhang
He/She/It will overhang They will overhang

Present Continuous
I am overhanging We are overhanging
You are overhanging You are overhanging
He/She/It is overhanging They are overhanging
Past Continuous
I was overhanging We were overhanging
You were overhanging You were overhanging
He/She/It was overhanging They were overhanging
Future Continuous
I will be overhanging We will be overhanging
You will be overhanging You will be overhanging
He/She/It will be overhanging They will be overhanging

Present Perfect
I have overhung We have overhung
You have overhung You have overhung
He/She/It has overhung They have overhung
Past Perfect
I had overhung We had overhung
You had overhung You had overhung
He/She/It had overhung They had overhung
Future Perfect
I will have overhung We will have overhung
You will have overhung You will have overhung
He/She/It will have overhung They will have overhung

md5 hash от слова overhang: 3489cd16f7a67f9968814a6aebf9dafd



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