

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): petitions.

Синонимы: invocation, plea, pleading, soliciting, supplication, access, accessing, address, addressing, appeal, appealing, applying, asking, begging, circulation.

  1. ходатайство

    consideration of a petition
    рассмотрение ходатайства

    petition for pardon
    прошение о помиловании

    petition in bankruptcy
    заявление о банкротстве

  2. просьба

    small petition
    небольшая просьба

  3. мольба
  4. петицию
  5. обращение

    numerous petitions
    многочисленные обращения

  6. жалоба
  7. сбор подписей
  8. челобитная

verb глагол

Синонимы: intercede, plead, request, solicit.

  1. ходатайствовать
  2. подать прошение
  3. подавать прошение

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений petition на 1 миллион слов: 14.

Примеры предложений

Click below to sign the petition!
Кликните ниже, чтобы подписать петицию!

I addressed a petition to the mayor.
Я направил мэру прошение.

He signed the petition.
Он подписал ходатайство.

I'll sign the petition.
Я подпишу петицию.

Tom refused to sign the petition.
Том отказался подписывать петицию.

She refused to sign the petition.
Она отказалась подписать ходатайство.

We hope that you all will sign this petition.
Мы надеемся, что вы все подпишете эту петицию.

We hope you all will sign this petition.
Мы надеемся, что вы подпишете эту петицию.

I signed this petition.
Я подписал эту петицию.

Did you sign the petition?
Вы подписали петицию?

I signed the petition.
Я подписал петицию.

More than 10,000 people signed the petition.
Петицию подписали более десяти тысяч человек.

Everyone at the meeting signed the petition.
Все присутствующие на собрании подписали эту петицию.

Tom signed the petition.
Том подписал ходатайство.

Please sign this petition.
Пожалуйста, подпишите эту петицию.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I petition We petition
You petition You petition
He/She/It petitions They petition
Past Simple
I petitioned We petitioned
You petitioned You petitioned
He/She/It petitioned They petitioned
Future Simple
I will petition We will petition
You will petition You will petition
He/She/It will petition They will petition

Present Continuous
I am petitioning We are petitioning
You are petitioning You are petitioning
He/She/It is petitioning They are petitioning
Past Continuous
I was petitioning We were petitioning
You were petitioning You were petitioning
He/She/It was petitioning They were petitioning
Future Continuous
I will be petitioning We will be petitioning
You will be petitioning You will be petitioning
He/She/It will be petitioning They will be petitioning

Present Perfect
I have petitioned We have petitioned
You have petitioned You have petitioned
He/She/It has petitioned They have petitioned
Past Perfect
I had petitioned We had petitioned
You had petitioned You had petitioned
He/She/It had petitioned They had petitioned
Future Perfect
I will have petitioned We will have petitioned
You will have petitioned You will have petitioned
He/She/It will have petitioned They will have petitioned

md5 hash от слова petition: cdb31619d468ebf6bc67c88bfd81368a


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