

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): pines.

  1. сосна

    mountain pine
    горная сосна

  2. сосняк
  3. древесина сосны

verb глагол

Синонимы: crave, wither.

  1. томиться
  2. чахнуть
  3. тосковать

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: pinewood.

  1. сосновый

    pine grove
    сосновая роща

    pine tree forest
    сосновый лес

    pine cone
    сосновая шишка

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений pine на 1 миллион слов: 29.

Примеры предложений

That's a pine tree.
Это сосна.

In the Mediterranean forests, we have many kinds of trees: oak, pine, willow, ash, elm, and others.
У нас в лесах Средиземноморья растут много видов деревьев: дуб, сосна, ива, ясень, вяз и другие.

There used to be a big pine tree in front of my house.
Перед моим домом когда-то росла большая сосна.

A pine stands in front of his house.
Перед его домом стоит сосна.

A pine cone fell on Tom's head.
Тому на голову упала сосновая шишка.

The cones of the jack pine, for example, do not readily open to release their seeds until they have been subjected to great heat.
Шишки сосны Банкса, например, не открываются, чтобы выпустить семена, пока не перетерпят жару.

The house smells of pine needles and resin.
В доме пахнет хвоей и смолой.

In the house, there is a fragrance of pine needles and resin.
В доме запах хвои и смолы.

She likes the smell of pine trees.
Ей нравится запах сосен.

I planted a pine tree.
Я посадил сосну.

Pine is a resinous wood.
Сосна - дерево смолистое.

Tom collected some pine cones in the forest.
Том набрал в лесу сосновых шишек.

These pine nuts are delicious, said the squirrel.
«Эти кедровые орехи бесподобны», — сказала белка.

He will plant a pine tree.
Он посадит сосну.

Pine trees can grow up to thirty meters tall.
Сосны могут достигать высоты тридцати метров.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I pine We pine
You pine You pine
He/She/It pines They pine
Past Simple
I pined We pined
You pined You pined
He/She/It pined They pined
Future Simple
I will pine We will pine
You will pine You will pine
He/She/It will pine They will pine

Present Continuous
I am pining We are pining
You are pining You are pining
He/She/It is pining They are pining
Past Continuous
I was pining We were pining
You were pining You were pining
He/She/It was pining They were pining
Future Continuous
I will be pining We will be pining
You will be pining You will be pining
He/She/It will be pining They will be pining

Present Perfect
I have pined We have pined
You have pined You have pined
He/She/It has pined They have pined
Past Perfect
I had pined We had pined
You had pined You had pined
He/She/It had pined They had pined
Future Perfect
I will have pined We will have pined
You will have pined You will have pined
He/She/It will have pined They will have pined

md5 hash от слова pine: 15dc8bed4e380a261b7794769b97a74d


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