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verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): withered.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): withered.

Синонимы: abate, droop, ebb, fade, falter, pine, shrink, slack, wane.

  1. увядать
  2. ослабевать
  3. чахнуть
  4. иссохнуть
  5. усыхать
  6. отсыхать
  7. иссыхать


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и wither: whiter.

Примеры предложений

Flowers wither without water.
Цветы вянут без воды.

If you don't water the plants, they will wither.
Если ты не польёшь растения, они завянут.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I wither We wither
You wither You wither
He/She/It withers They wither
Past Simple
I withered We withered
You withered You withered
He/She/It withered They withered
Future Simple
I will wither We will wither
You will wither You will wither
He/She/It will wither They will wither

Present Continuous
I am withering We are withering
You are withering You are withering
He/She/It is withering They are withering
Past Continuous
I was withering We were withering
You were withering You were withering
He/She/It was withering They were withering
Future Continuous
I will be withering We will be withering
You will be withering You will be withering
He/She/It will be withering They will be withering

Present Perfect
I have withered We have withered
You have withered You have withered
He/She/It has withered They have withered
Past Perfect
I had withered We had withered
You had withered You had withered
He/She/It had withered They had withered
Future Perfect
I will have withered We will have withered
You will have withered You will have withered
He/She/It will have withered They will have withered

md5 hash от слова wither: ba9cff47632a0906d8121e594cb93a15



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