

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): plays.

Синонимы: playing, acting, dramatics, fiddling, game, gameplay, gaming, matinee, pastime, performance, playback, procreation, rendering, rendition, reproducing.

  1. спектакль

    theatrical plays
    театральные спектакли

    good play
    хорошая пьеса

  2. воспроизведение

    long play
    длительное воспроизведение

  3. игра

    free play mode
    режим свободной игры

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): played.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): played.

Синонимы: act, attend, dally, fiddle, gamble, game, hark, listen, perform, portray, regain, repeat, replay, replicate, reproduce.

  1. играть

    play football
    играть в футбол

    play all day
    играть целый день

    play different roles
    играть разные роли

    play ice hockey
    играть в хоккей

    play musical instruments
    играть на инструментах

    play computer games
    играть на компьютере

    play a solo
    сыграть соло

    play classical music
    исполнять классическую музыку

    play billiards
    поиграть в бильярд

    play the ball
    разыгрывать мяч

    play better
    выступить лучше

  2. воспроизводить

    play the sound
    воспроизводить звук

    play voice
    воспроизвести голос

  3. проигрывать
  4. отыграть

    play a concert
    отыграть концерт

  5. слушать
  6. заиграть
  7. разыграться

adjective прилагательное

сравнительная степень (comparative): player.

Синонимы: game, gaming, playing.

  1. игровой

    children play area
    детская игровая площадка

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений play на 1 миллион слов: 228.

Примеры предложений

His last play was a big hit.
Его последняя пьеса имела большой успех.

Some of the students like to play the guitar.
Некоторым студентам нравится играть на гитаре.

Tom told Mary that it was too hot to play outside.
Том сказал Мэри, что сейчас слишком жарко, чтобы играть на улице.

Tom found a place where he could play golf for free.
Том нашёл место, где он может играть в гольф бесплатно.

John cannot play the guitar.
Джон не умеет играть на гитаре.

You play a musical instrument, don't you?
Ты ведь играешь на каком-то музыкальном инструменте?

I don't want to play chess with Tom.
Я не хочу играть с Томом в шахматы.

Does Tom play golf?
Том играет в гольф?

I didn't know that Tom wanted to learn how to play the trumpet.
Я не знал, что Том хочет научиться играть на трубе.

Do not play with the key.
Не играй с ключом.

Can you teach me how to play the bagpipes?
Вы можете научить меня играть на волынке?

John doesn't know how to play the guitar.
Джон не умеет играть на гитаре.

I didn't think Tom knew how to play mahjong.
Я и не думал, что Том умеет играть в маджонг.

Yesterday I did not play tennis.
Вчера я не играла в теннис.

Tom wants to learn how to play the oboe.
Том хочет научиться играть на гобое.

Please play something by Chopin for me.
Сыграйте мне что-нибудь из Шопена, пожалуйста.

Tom didn't want to play tennis with Mary.
Том не хотел играть в теннис с Мэри.

I can play the guitar. Tom can, too.
Я умею играть на гитаре. Том тоже умеет.

Let's play tennis this afternoon.
Давай сыграем в теннис после обеда.

It is difficult for me to play the piano.
Мне трудно играть на фортепиано.

We went to the park to play baseball.
Мы пошли в парк, чтобы поиграть в бейсбол.

Let's go play football!
Давайте пойдём играть в футбол!

I can play baseball, tennis, volleyball, and so on.
Я умею играть в бейсбол, теннис, волейбол и так далее.

Every Saturday we play football.
Каждую субботу мы играем в футбол.

Tom likes to play football.
Тому нравится играть в футбол.

Can you play tennis?
Ты умеешь играть в теннис?

He will play tennis tomorrow.
Завтра он играет в теннис.

It's dangerous to play in the street!
На улице играть опасно!

All Tom does is play video games and watch TV.
Том только и делает, что играет в видеоигры и смотрит телевизор.

She can play the piano.
Она умеет играть на пианино.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I play We play
You play You play
He/She/It plays They play
Past Simple
I played We played
You played You played
He/She/It played They played
Future Simple
I will play We will play
You will play You will play
He/She/It will play They will play

Present Continuous
I am playing We are playing
You are playing You are playing
He/She/It is playing They are playing
Past Continuous
I was playing We were playing
You were playing You were playing
He/She/It was playing They were playing
Future Continuous
I will be playing We will be playing
You will be playing You will be playing
He/She/It will be playing They will be playing

Present Perfect
I have played We have played
You have played You have played
He/She/It has played They have played
Past Perfect
I had played We had played
You had played You had played
He/She/It had played They had played
Future Perfect
I will have played We will have played
You will have played You will have played
He/She/It will have played They will have played

md5 hash от слова play: a3b34c0871dc2fd51eec5559b68f709d


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