

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): pledges.

Синонимы: assurance, promise, affirmation, assertion, assessment, assuring, bail, bailing, bet, bond, due, fee, gage, groundwork, hock.

  1. залог

    subject of pledge
    предмет залога

  2. обещание

    election pledge
    предвыборное обещание

    new pledge
    новые обязательства

  3. обет

    pledge of allegiance
    клятва верности

  4. заклад
  5. заверение
  6. взнос

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): pledged.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): pledged.

Синонимы: swear, assure, embed, found, hock, lay, mortgage, pawn, promise, vow.

  1. обещать
  2. закладывать

    pledged property
    заложенное имущество

  3. клясться
  4. заверять
  5. взять обязательство
  6. отдавать в залог

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: bail, collateral, pawn.

  1. залоговый

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений pledge на 1 миллион слов: 6.

Примеры предложений

I give my pledge that I will quit smoking.
Даю слово, что я брошу курить.

The pledge to stop smoking cigarettes ranks among the top ten New Year's resolutions year after year.
Обещание бросить курить сигареты входит в число десяти главных новогодних обещаний год за годом.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I pledge We pledge
You pledge You pledge
He/She/It pledges They pledge
Past Simple
I pledged We pledged
You pledged You pledged
He/She/It pledged They pledged
Future Simple
I will pledge We will pledge
You will pledge You will pledge
He/She/It will pledge They will pledge

Present Continuous
I am pledging We are pledging
You are pledging You are pledging
He/She/It is pledging They are pledging
Past Continuous
I was pledging We were pledging
You were pledging You were pledging
He/She/It was pledging They were pledging
Future Continuous
I will be pledging We will be pledging
You will be pledging You will be pledging
He/She/It will be pledging They will be pledging

Present Perfect
I have pledged We have pledged
You have pledged You have pledged
He/She/It has pledged They have pledged
Past Perfect
I had pledged We had pledged
You had pledged You had pledged
He/She/It had pledged They had pledged
Future Perfect
I will have pledged We will have pledged
You will have pledged You will have pledged
He/She/It will have pledged They will have pledged

md5 hash от слова pledge: 8d12c2df4f3b9ed33969b75a82c711f8


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