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noun существительное
множественное число (plural): robes.
Синонимы: attire, clothing, garment, apparel, cloth, clothes, coat, dress, garb, gown, mantel, mantle, overall, plaid, uniform.
purple robe
пурпурная мантия
brown robe
коричневая ряса
bath robe
банный халат
white terry robe
белый махровый халат
black silk robe
черный шелковый халат
linen robe
льняная одежда
royal robe
царское одеяние
Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и robe:
Кол-во употреблений robe на 1 миллион слов: 2.
Mary slipped off her robe and got into the shower.
Мэри сбросила свой халат и вошла в душ.
Put on a robe.
Наденьте халат.
He is wearing a green women's robe.
На нём зелёное женское платье.
He wore a robe over his pajamas.
Поверх пижамы он носил халат.
Why is my robe still wet while yours is already dry?
Почему мой халат ещё мокрый, а твой уже высох?
The robe is still wet.
Халат ещё мокрый.
Or would I were a little burnish'd apple For you to pluck me, gliding by so cold, While sun and shade your robe of lawn will dapple, Your robe of lawn, and your hair's spun gold.
Быть может, плодом стал бы я безгласным, К ногам твоим упал бы на заре, Когда теплом лучей твой стан обласкан И прядь волос твоих златая на траве.
Is that my robe?
Это мой халат?
She is wearing a green robe.
На ней зелёное платье.
Mary was wearing a black robe.
Мария была в чёрном платье.
Present Simple | |
I robe | We robe |
You robe | You robe |
He/She/It robes | They robe |
Past Simple | |
I robed | We robed |
You robed | You robed |
He/She/It robed | They robed |
Future Simple | |
I will robe | We will robe |
You will robe | You will robe |
He/She/It will robe | They will robe |
Present Continuous | |
I am robing | We are robing |
You are robing | You are robing |
He/She/It is robing | They are robing |
Past Continuous | |
I was robing | We were robing |
You were robing | You were robing |
He/She/It was robing | They were robing |
Future Continuous | |
I will be robing | We will be robing |
You will be robing | You will be robing |
He/She/It will be robing | They will be robing |
Present Perfect | |
I have robed | We have robed |
You have robed | You have robed |
He/She/It has robed | They have robed |
Past Perfect | |
I had robed | We had robed |
You had robed | You had robed |
He/She/It had robed | They had robed |
Future Perfect | |
I will have robed | We will have robed |
You will have robed | You will have robed |
He/She/It will have robed | They will have robed |
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