

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): scars.

Синонимы: clue, crease, dent, dint, footprint, mark, rib, scent, sign, spoor, track, trail, vestige, wake, welt.

  1. шрам

    thin white scar
    тонкий белый шрам

    mental scars
    душевные раны

    deep scar
    глубокий рубец

  2. СКАР
  3. след
  4. рубчик
  5. образование рубца
  6. глубокий след

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): scarred.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): scarred.
  1. зарубцеваться

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: rumen.

  1. рубцовый

    scar tissue
    рубцовая ткань


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и scar: arcs, cars.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений scar на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

The tragedy left a scar on my mind.
Эта трагедия оставила шрам у меня на душе.

He has a scar on his cheek.
У него шрам на щеке.

She has a scar on her cheek.
У неё шрам на щеке.

He has a scar on his chin.
У него шрам на подбородке.

She has a scar on her chin.
У неё шрам на подбородке.

He has a scar on his face.
У него шрам на лице.

She has a scar on her face.
У неё шрам на лице.

Tom has a scar on his right leg.
У Тома шрам на правой ноге.

How did you get that scar on your chin?
Откуда у тебя этот шрам на подбородке?

He has a scar on his arm.
У него на руке шрам.

The scar isn't really visible.
Шрам не так уж и заметен.

Mary has a scar on her cheek.
У Мэри шрам на щеке.

Mary has a scar on her chin.
У Мэри шрам на подбородке.

Mary has a scar on her face.
У Мэри шрам на лице.

Tom has a scar on his chin.
У Тома шрам на подбородке.

Tom has a scar on his face.
У Тома на лице есть шрам.

How did you get that scar on your cheek?
Откуда у тебя этот шрам на щеке?

Do you know how Tom got the scar on his chin?
Ты знаешь, откуда у Тома шрам на подбородке?

The wound left a scar on my arm.
На моей руке остался шрам от этой раны.

One of the men had a large red scar across his forehead.
У одного из мужчин на лбу был большой красный шрам.

The wound left a scar on my hand.
От раны у меня на руке остался шрам.

The scar on his cheek hardly shows now.
Шрам на его щеке сейчас едва заметен.

The scar on his forehead is conspicuous.
Шрам на его лбу очень бросается в глаза.

I still have a scar on my left leg from a car accident I was in when I was thirteen years old.
У меня на левой ноге до сих пор шрам от автокатастрофы, в которую я попал, когда мне было тринадцать лет.

What's that scar from?
Откуда этот шрам?

Tom showed Mary the scar on his leg.
Том показал Мэри шрам на ноге.

Tom has a scar on his cheek.
У Тома шрам на щеке.

Do you know how Tom got that scar on his chin?
Ты знаешь, откуда у Тома этот шрам на подбородке?

Tom has a scar on his forehead.
У Тома на лбу шрам.

Tom had a new scar on his forehead since the last time Mary had seen him.
У Тома появился новый шрам на лбу с тех пор, как Мэри видела его в прошлый раз.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I scar We scar
You scar You scar
He/She/It scars They scar
Past Simple
I scarred We scarred
You scarred You scarred
He/She/It scarred They scarred
Future Simple
I will scar We will scar
You will scar You will scar
He/She/It will scar They will scar

Present Continuous
I am scarring We are scarring
You are scarring You are scarring
He/She/It is scarring They are scarring
Past Continuous
I was scarring We were scarring
You were scarring You were scarring
He/She/It was scarring They were scarring
Future Continuous
I will be scarring We will be scarring
You will be scarring You will be scarring
He/She/It will be scarring They will be scarring

Present Perfect
I have scarred We have scarred
You have scarred You have scarred
He/She/It has scarred They have scarred
Past Perfect
I had scarred We had scarred
You had scarred You had scarred
He/She/It had scarred They had scarred
Future Perfect
I will have scarred We will have scarred
You will have scarred You will have scarred
He/She/It will have scarred They will have scarred

md5 hash от слова scar: 828de69a2994bdb482cecf9d10c7f5f2


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