

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): scratches.

Синонимы: scrape, graze, nick, scraping, scratching, screech.

  1. царапина

    deep scratch
    глубокая царапина

  2. скрип
  3. скрест
  4. скретч
  5. царапание
  6. почесывание

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): scratched.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): scratched.

Синонимы: claw, harrow.

  1. царапать

    scratch the surface
    поцарапать поверхность

  2. нацарапать
  3. расцарапать
  4. царапаться
  5. выцарапать
  6. поцарапаться
  7. процарапать
  8. поскрестись
  9. соскоблить

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений scratch на 1 миллион слов: 3.

Примеры предложений

My cat likes it when I scratch her behind the ears.
Моему коту нравится, когда я чешу ему за ушами.

Can you scratch my back?
Можешь почесать мне спину?

There's a scratch here. Could you give me a discount?
Здесь царапина. Вы не могли бы сделать мне скидку?

You should try not to scratch your mosquito bites.
Вам не следует расчёсывать место укуса комара.

Bears like to scratch their back on tree bark.
Медведи любят чесать спины о кору деревьев.

Where did Tom get that scratch on his cheek?
Откуда у Тома эта царапина на щеке?

I want to scratch my nose.
Я хочу почесать нос.

The doctor said you shouldn't scratch your wounds.
Врач сказал, тебе нельзя расцарапывать свои раны.

If you anger the cat, it will certainly scratch you.
Если разозлишь кошку, она тебя обязательно поцарапает.

We scratch where it itches.
Мы чешем там, где чешется.

The cat started to scratch the carpet.
Кот стал царапать ковёр.

If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
Если ты желаешь сделать яблочный пирог с нуля, ты сперва должен изобрести Вселенную.

My cat purrs when I scratch behind his ears.
Мой кот урчит, когда я чешу его за ушами.

Scratch a Russian and you'll find a Tatar.
Поскреби русского — найдёшь татарина.

Where did you get that scratch on your cheek?
Откуда у вас эта царапина на щеке?

Be careful not to scratch the furniture.
Осторожно, не поцарапайте мебель.

It's just a scratch.
Это просто царапина.

Tom has a deep scratch on the palm of his hand.
У Тома на ладони глубокая царапина.

Tom didn't have a scratch on him.
На Томе не было ни царапины.

We need to start from scratch.
Нам нужно начать с чистого листа.

Bears often scratch their backs on tree trunks.
Медведи часто чешут спины о стволы деревьев.

Where did you get this scratch?
Откуда у тебя эта царапина?

Most dogs like it when you scratch them behind their ears.
Большинству собак нравится, когда им чешут за ушами.

Bears often scratch their backs on the bark of trees.
Медведи часто чешут спины о кору деревьев.

It's only a scratch.
Это всего лишь царапина.

Scratch a Russian and find a Tartar.
Поскреби русского — найдёшь татарина.

They had to start from scratch.
Им пришлось начать с нуля.

I cannot scratch. I don't have finger nails.
Я не могу почесаться. У меня нет ногтей.

I like to make bread from scratch.
Мне нравится делать хлеб с нуля.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I scratch We scratch
You scratch You scratch
He/She/It scratches They scratch
Past Simple
I scratched We scratched
You scratched You scratched
He/She/It scratched They scratched
Future Simple
I will scratch We will scratch
You will scratch You will scratch
He/She/It will scratch They will scratch

Present Continuous
I am scratching We are scratching
You are scratching You are scratching
He/She/It is scratching They are scratching
Past Continuous
I was scratching We were scratching
You were scratching You were scratching
He/She/It was scratching They were scratching
Future Continuous
I will be scratching We will be scratching
You will be scratching You will be scratching
He/She/It will be scratching They will be scratching

Present Perfect
I have scratched We have scratched
You have scratched You have scratched
He/She/It has scratched They have scratched
Past Perfect
I had scratched We had scratched
You had scratched You had scratched
He/She/It had scratched They had scratched
Future Perfect
I will have scratched We will have scratched
You will have scratched You will have scratched
He/She/It will have scratched They will have scratched

md5 hash от слова scratch: 989dd0740007f144b21dd5d7d8ddabac


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