

noun существительное

Синонимы: dogfight, scrimmage, affray, blows, brawl, dump, dumping, fight, junkyard, melee, rubbish, rumble, scramble, scrum, shuffle.

  1. драка
  2. свалка
  3. шарканье

verb глагол

Синонимы: fight, tussle.

  1. подраться
  2. драться

Примеры предложений

There was a scuffle in front of the store when the new product was released.
Когда был выпущен новый продукт, перед магазином произошла потасовка.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I scuffle We scuffle
You scuffle You scuffle
He/She/It scuffles They scuffle
Past Simple
I scuffled We scuffled
You scuffled You scuffled
He/She/It scuffled They scuffled
Future Simple
I will scuffle We will scuffle
You will scuffle You will scuffle
He/She/It will scuffle They will scuffle

Present Continuous
I am scuffling We are scuffling
You are scuffling You are scuffling
He/She/It is scuffling They are scuffling
Past Continuous
I was scuffling We were scuffling
You were scuffling You were scuffling
He/She/It was scuffling They were scuffling
Future Continuous
I will be scuffling We will be scuffling
You will be scuffling You will be scuffling
He/She/It will be scuffling They will be scuffling

Present Perfect
I have scuffled We have scuffled
You have scuffled You have scuffled
He/She/It has scuffled They have scuffled
Past Perfect
I had scuffled We had scuffled
You had scuffled You had scuffled
He/She/It had scuffled They had scuffled
Future Perfect
I will have scuffled We will have scuffled
You will have scuffled You will have scuffled
He/She/It will have scuffled They will have scuffled

md5 hash от слова scuffle: 65d6cc6d58e0a70d9871f757fb778d9b


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