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noun существительное

множественное число (plural): shoals.

Синонимы: swarm, bevy, bunch, cant, cheek, covey, flight, flock, horde, pack, post, shallow-water, soundings, stud.

  1. мелководье

    shoal of fish
    мелководье рыб

  2. косяк
  3. стая

    large shoal
    большая стая

verb глагол

  1. обмелеть

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: fine, paltry, petty, potty, shallow, small-sized, trifling, trivial.

  1. мелкий

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений shoal на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

Tom and Mary were on the verge of diving, off the left edge of the sentence, in the infinite corpus, when they spotted underneath a shoal of hungry contributors, teeth out, ready to jump on them and shred their mistakes down to the last one.
Том и Мэри были на грани погружения, с левого края предложения, в бесконечный корпус, когда они заметили под косяком голодных участников, обнаживших зубы, готовых прыгнуть на них и уничтожить их ошибки до последней.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I shoal We shoal
You shoal You shoal
He/She/It shoals They shoal
Past Simple
I shoaled We shoaled
You shoaled You shoaled
He/She/It shoaled They shoaled
Future Simple
I will shoal We will shoal
You will shoal You will shoal
He/She/It will shoal They will shoal

Present Continuous
I am shoaling We are shoaling
You are shoaling You are shoaling
He/She/It is shoaling They are shoaling
Past Continuous
I was shoaling We were shoaling
You were shoaling You were shoaling
He/She/It was shoaling They were shoaling
Future Continuous
I will be shoaling We will be shoaling
You will be shoaling You will be shoaling
He/She/It will be shoaling They will be shoaling

Present Perfect
I have shoaled We have shoaled
You have shoaled You have shoaled
He/She/It has shoaled They have shoaled
Past Perfect
I had shoaled We had shoaled
You had shoaled You had shoaled
He/She/It had shoaled They had shoaled
Future Perfect
I will have shoaled We will have shoaled
You will have shoaled You will have shoaled
He/She/It will have shoaled They will have shoaled

md5 hash от слова shoal: 87cf2bdb6a4e42faef6c1728e0c888ca



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