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noun существительное
множественное число (plural): swarms.
Синонимы: flock, cluster, crowd, horde, shoal, afflux, agglomeration, aggregation, assemblage, bevy, bunch, cant, cheek, clump, collection.
whole swarm
целый рой
swarms of insects
тучи насекомых
Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и swarm:
Кол-во употреблений swarm на 1 миллион слов: 2.
A swarm of hornets attacked the children.
На детей напал рой шершней.
A swarm of mosquitoes followed him.
Рой комаров последовал за ним.
A swarm of locusts descended on the cornfield.
Рой саранчи опустился на кукурузное поле.
Tom was attacked by a swarm of bees.
На Тома напал рой пчёл.
A swarm of wasps attacked the children.
На детей напал рой ос.
Present Simple | |
I swarm | We swarm |
You swarm | You swarm |
He/She/It swarms | They swarm |
Past Simple | |
I swarmed | We swarmed |
You swarmed | You swarmed |
He/She/It swarmed | They swarmed |
Future Simple | |
I will swarm | We will swarm |
You will swarm | You will swarm |
He/She/It will swarm | They will swarm |
Present Continuous | |
I am swarming | We are swarming |
You are swarming | You are swarming |
He/She/It is swarming | They are swarming |
Past Continuous | |
I was swarming | We were swarming |
You were swarming | You were swarming |
He/She/It was swarming | They were swarming |
Future Continuous | |
I will be swarming | We will be swarming |
You will be swarming | You will be swarming |
He/She/It will be swarming | They will be swarming |
Present Perfect | |
I have swarmed | We have swarmed |
You have swarmed | You have swarmed |
He/She/It has swarmed | They have swarmed |
Past Perfect | |
I had swarmed | We had swarmed |
You had swarmed | You had swarmed |
He/She/It had swarmed | They had swarmed |
Future Perfect | |
I will have swarmed | We will have swarmed |
You will have swarmed | You will have swarmed |
He/She/It will have swarmed | They will have swarmed |
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