

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): shrouds.

Синонимы: blanket, sheet, banding, bell, bonnet, canopy, casing, cloak, coverage, dome, encasing, garment, guy, hood, integument.

  1. пелена

    shroud of fog
    пелена тумана

  2. кожух

    fan shroud
    кожух вентилятора

  3. саван

    burial shroud
    погребальный саван

    holy shroud
    святая плащаница

  4. покров
  5. колпак
  6. ванта
  7. бандаж

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): shrouded.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): shrouded.

Синонимы: camouflage, cloak, conceal, disguise, mask, obscure, suppress, surround, veil, withhold.

  1. окутать
  2. скрывать

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений shroud на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

He is surrounded by a shroud of mourning.
Он окружен траурным саваном.

Some say the Shroud of Turin is a photo made by Leonardo da Vinci using a camera obscura.
Некоторые говорят, что Туринская плащаница - это фотография, сделанная Леонардо да Винчи с помощью камеры-обскуры.

Every morning, autumn mists shroud the mountains.
Каждое утро осенние туманы окутывают горы.

The shroud has no pockets.
У савана нет карманов.

She bought a shroud for herself long before she died.
Она купила себе саван задолго до смерти.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I shroud We shroud
You shroud You shroud
He/She/It shrouds They shroud
Past Simple
I shrouded We shrouded
You shrouded You shrouded
He/She/It shrouded They shrouded
Future Simple
I will shroud We will shroud
You will shroud You will shroud
He/She/It will shroud They will shroud

Present Continuous
I am shrouding We are shrouding
You are shrouding You are shrouding
He/She/It is shrouding They are shrouding
Past Continuous
I was shrouding We were shrouding
You were shrouding You were shrouding
He/She/It was shrouding They were shrouding
Future Continuous
I will be shrouding We will be shrouding
You will be shrouding You will be shrouding
He/She/It will be shrouding They will be shrouding

Present Perfect
I have shrouded We have shrouded
You have shrouded You have shrouded
He/She/It has shrouded They have shrouded
Past Perfect
I had shrouded We had shrouded
You had shrouded You had shrouded
He/She/It had shrouded They had shrouded
Future Perfect
I will have shrouded We will have shrouded
You will have shrouded You will have shrouded
He/She/It will have shrouded They will have shrouded

md5 hash от слова shroud: a8203f00d09da3c12019b54f866e59de


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