

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): veils.

Синонимы: blanket, burqa, canopy, cloak, coverage, flair, garment, goggles, headscarf, integument, mantle, mask, masque, pall, purdah.

  1. завеса

    veil of secrecy
    завеса тайны

    lace veil
    кружевная вуаль

    veil of mist
    пелена тумана

  2. паранджа
  3. покрывало

    white veil
    белое покрывало

  4. покров

    impenetrable veil
    непроницаемый покров

  5. маска
  6. фата

    wedding veil
    свадебная фата

  7. Вейль
  8. платок
  9. Флер

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): veiled.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): veiled.

Синонимы: camouflage, cloak, conceal, disguise, mask, obscure, shroud, suppress, withhold.

  1. скрывать
  2. завуалировать

    veiled threat
    завуалированная угроза

  3. завесить


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и veil: evil, levi, live, vile.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений veil на 1 миллион слов: 3.

Примеры предложений

It was night, and a veil of darkness covered the streets.
Была ночь, и тёмная пелена накрыла улицы.

This bride is covering her face with a veil.
Невеста прикрывает лицо фатой.

The first rays of the sun tore the cloudy veil and the outline of a rocky island appeared.
Первые лучи солнца пробились через завесу облаков, и показались очертания скалистого острова.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I veil We veil
You veil You veil
He/She/It veils They veil
Past Simple
I veiled We veiled
You veiled You veiled
He/She/It veiled They veiled
Future Simple
I will veil We will veil
You will veil You will veil
He/She/It will veil They will veil

Present Continuous
I am veiling We are veiling
You are veiling You are veiling
He/She/It is veiling They are veiling
Past Continuous
I was veiling We were veiling
You were veiling You were veiling
He/She/It was veiling They were veiling
Future Continuous
I will be veiling We will be veiling
You will be veiling You will be veiling
He/She/It will be veiling They will be veiling

Present Perfect
I have veiled We have veiled
You have veiled You have veiled
He/She/It has veiled They have veiled
Past Perfect
I had veiled We had veiled
You had veiled You had veiled
He/She/It had veiled They had veiled
Future Perfect
I will have veiled We will have veiled
You will have veiled You will have veiled
He/She/It will have veiled They will have veiled

md5 hash от слова veil: 0232a57db92c1c62161124a6ed855f96


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