

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): shunned.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): shunned.

Синонимы: avoid, chase, elope, escape, evade, flee, hurry, loathe, run, scurry, shirk, sprint.

  1. избегать

    shun evil
    избегать зла

  2. бежать
  3. гнушаться
  4. дичиться


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и shun: huns.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений shun на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

Shun rumour.
Избегайте слухов.

Shun gossip.
Избегайте сплетен.

Please don’t shun me because I have this gift.
Пожалуйста, не избегай меня, потому что у меня есть этот дар.

I don't care if you shun me.
Мне все равно, если ты будешь избегать меня.

We furl the sails, and shoreward row amain. / Eastward the harbour arches, scarce descried. / Two jutting rocks, by billows lashed in vain, / stretch out their arms the narrow mouth to hide. / Far back the temple stands, and seems to shun the tide.
Мы сворачиваем паруса и снова гребем к берегу. /На востоке арки гавани, едва различимые. /Две выступающие скалы, по которым напрасно хлещут волны, / протягивают руки, чтобы скрыть узкий рот. /Далеко позади стоит храм и, кажется, избегает прилива.

Shun will take over my job while I'm away.
Шан возьмет на себя мою работу, пока меня не будет.

He spake, 'twas done; and Palinurus first / turns the prow leftward: to the left we ply / with oars and sail, and shun the rocks accurst.
Он сказал: "Это было сделано; и Палинур первым /поворачивает нос влево: влево мы плывем / с веслами и парусом, и избегаем скал.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I shun We shun
You shun You shun
He/She/It shuns They shun
Past Simple
I shunned We shunned
You shunned You shunned
He/She/It shunned They shunned
Future Simple
I will shun We will shun
You will shun You will shun
He/She/It will shun They will shun

Present Continuous
I am shunning We are shunning
You are shunning You are shunning
He/She/It is shunning They are shunning
Past Continuous
I was shunning We were shunning
You were shunning You were shunning
He/She/It was shunning They were shunning
Future Continuous
I will be shunning We will be shunning
You will be shunning You will be shunning
He/She/It will be shunning They will be shunning

Present Perfect
I have shunned We have shunned
You have shunned You have shunned
He/She/It has shunned They have shunned
Past Perfect
I had shunned We had shunned
You had shunned You had shunned
He/She/It had shunned They had shunned
Future Perfect
I will have shunned We will have shunned
You will have shunned You will have shunned
He/She/It will have shunned They will have shunned

md5 hash от слова shun: 125565a5ed9dcc02a5ce69f12a07a533


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