

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): spits.

Синонимы: arrowhead, broach, crease, cursor, gob, hand, needle, plait, pointer, queue, scythe, skewer, spitting, streamer, tress.

  1. вертел

    spit hearth
    каминный вертел

  2. плевок
  3. коса

    sand spit
    песчаная коса

  4. стрелка

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): spat, spit
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): spat, spit

Синонимы: care, damn, eject, gob, regurgitate, spout, vomit.

  1. плевать
  2. плеваться
  3. наплевать
  4. харкать
  5. извергать
  6. заплевать


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и spit: pits, tips.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений spit на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

Do not spit on the walls.
Не плюйте на стены!

Don't spit on the walls.
Не плюйте на стены!

In Singapore, it is a crime to spit on the ground.
Плевать на землю в Сингапуре — преступление.

Instead of slapping him in the face, she spit in it, and walked contemptuously away.
Вместо того, чтобы дать ему пощёчину, она плюнула ему в лицо и, переполненная презрением, пошла прочь.

Only yokels spit on the ground.
Только бескультурные плюют на землю.

The waiter spit in the soup.
Официант плюнул в суп.

I spit on you.
Плюю на тебя.

Come on, spit it out!
А ну-ка, выплюни!

Tom took one bite and then spit it back out.
Том откусил кусочек, а затем выплюнул его обратно.

Don't spit into the wind.
Не плюйте против ветра.

If you have gum in your mouth, spit it out.
Если у вас во рту жвачка, выплюньте её.

Dragons spit fire.
Драконы изрыгают пламя.

Tom spit out the poison.
Том выплюнул яд.

Tom spit out his gum.
Том выплюнул жвачку.

I spit.
Я плююсь.

He spit.
Он плюнул.

If it tastes bad, spit it out.
Выплюньте, если это невкусно.

It's good roasted on a spit.
Это очень вкусно, если зажарить на вертеле.

Spit it out!
Давай, выкладывай!

Spit it out, Tom.
Выкладывай, Том.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I spit We spit
You spit You spit
He/She/It spits They spit
Past Simple
I spat We spat
You spat You spat
He/She/It spat They spat
Future Simple
I will spit We will spit
You will spit You will spit
He/She/It will spit They will spit

Present Continuous
I am spitting We are spitting
You are spitting You are spitting
He/She/It is spitting They are spitting
Past Continuous
I was spitting We were spitting
You were spitting You were spitting
He/She/It was spitting They were spitting
Future Continuous
I will be spitting We will be spitting
You will be spitting You will be spitting
He/She/It will be spitting They will be spitting

Present Perfect
I have spat We have spat
You have spat You have spat
He/She/It has spat They have spat
Past Perfect
I had spat We had spat
You had spat You had spat
He/She/It had spat They had spat
Future Perfect
I will have spat We will have spat
You will have spat You will have spat
He/She/It will have spat They will have spat

md5 hash от слова spit: 44b3bced03fde5c66d865a76f933fca1



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