

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): stitches.

Синонимы: sewing, suture, coil, halter, hinge, joint, kink, loop, loopback, mesh, noose, rope, seam, sling, snare.

  1. шов

    chain stitch
    тамбурный шов

    stitch length
    длина стежка

  2. петля

    last stitch
    последняя петля

  3. сшивание
  4. шитье
  5. колотье

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): stitched.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): stitched.

Синонимы: sew, tailor.

  1. шить
  2. стачать
  3. наложить швы
  4. строчить
  5. тачать

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений stitch на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

You'll learn in time that a stitch in time saves nine.
Со временем ты поймёшь, что обо всём надо думать заранее.

He didn't do a stitch of work.
Он и палец о палец не ударил.

Who said cross stitch is strictly for women only?
Кто сказал, что вышивание крестиком — это только для женщин?

A stitch in time saves nine.
Один стежок, но вовремя, стоит девяти.

I know how to stitch a wound.
Я умею зашивать раны.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I stitch We stitch
You stitch You stitch
He/She/It stitches They stitch
Past Simple
I stitched We stitched
You stitched You stitched
He/She/It stitched They stitched
Future Simple
I will stitch We will stitch
You will stitch You will stitch
He/She/It will stitch They will stitch

Present Continuous
I am stitching We are stitching
You are stitching You are stitching
He/She/It is stitching They are stitching
Past Continuous
I was stitching We were stitching
You were stitching You were stitching
He/She/It was stitching They were stitching
Future Continuous
I will be stitching We will be stitching
You will be stitching You will be stitching
He/She/It will be stitching They will be stitching

Present Perfect
I have stitched We have stitched
You have stitched You have stitched
He/She/It has stitched They have stitched
Past Perfect
I had stitched We had stitched
You had stitched You had stitched
He/She/It had stitched They had stitched
Future Perfect
I will have stitched We will have stitched
You will have stitched You will have stitched
He/She/It will have stitched They will have stitched

md5 hash от слова stitch: a510e8afe230b17719e2d6aca98c8af3


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