

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): tailors.

Синонимы: atelier, clothier, parlor.

  1. портной

    local tailor
    местный портной

  2. ателье

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): tailored.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): tailored.

Синонимы: adopt, configure, customize, design, develop, devise, dispose, elaborate, exploit, formulate, set, settings, sew, stitch, tweak.

  1. шить
  2. адаптировать
  3. настроить
  4. портняжничать
  5. разрабатывать
  6. специально разработать

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: apparel, clothing, garment, sewing, tailoring.

  1. швейный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений tailor на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

The actor used to have the tailor make his suits.
Раньше у актёра был портной, который шил ему костюмы.

My tailor is rich.
Мой портной богат.

A long time ago, there lived a tailor who had three sons, but only one goat.
Давным-давно жил портной, у которого было три сына, но всего одна коза.

That tailor always uses very good material.
Этот портной всегда использует очень хорошие материалы.

In 1912, the Austrian tailor Franz Reichelt died jumping off the first floor of the Eiffel Tower while trying out his new invention, the parachute coat, which did not work...
В 1912 году австрийский портной Франц Райхельт погиб, спрыгнув с первого уровня Эйфелевой башни, при попытке испытать своё изобретение - плащ-парашют, который не раскрылся.

Tom is a tailor.
Том - портной.

The actor used to have a tailor who made his suits.
Раньше у актёра был портной, который шил ему костюмы.

I'd like to become a tailor.
Я хотел бы стать портным.

The father is a tailor.
Отец - портной.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I tailor We tailor
You tailor You tailor
He/She/It tailors They tailor
Past Simple
I tailored We tailored
You tailored You tailored
He/She/It tailored They tailored
Future Simple
I will tailor We will tailor
You will tailor You will tailor
He/She/It will tailor They will tailor

Present Continuous
I am tailoring We are tailoring
You are tailoring You are tailoring
He/She/It is tailoring They are tailoring
Past Continuous
I was tailoring We were tailoring
You were tailoring You were tailoring
He/She/It was tailoring They were tailoring
Future Continuous
I will be tailoring We will be tailoring
You will be tailoring You will be tailoring
He/She/It will be tailoring They will be tailoring

Present Perfect
I have tailored We have tailored
You have tailored You have tailored
He/She/It has tailored They have tailored
Past Perfect
I had tailored We had tailored
You had tailored You had tailored
He/She/It had tailored They had tailored
Future Perfect
I will have tailored We will have tailored
You will have tailored You will have tailored
He/She/It will have tailored They will have tailored

md5 hash от слова tailor: acf6b443c56e67e0dbd86323e8751121



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