

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): vests.

Синонимы: investiture, pall, vestment, waistcoat.

  1. жилет

    life vest
    спасательный жилет

    black leather vest
    черный кожаный жилет

    bullet proof vest
    пуленепробиваемый жилет

    silk vest
    шелковый жилет

    yellow vest
    желтая майка

    red vest
    красная жилетка

  2. облачение
  3. Вест
  4. распашонка

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): vested.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): vested.

Синонимы: allocate, allot, assign, belong, bestow, confer, empower, endow, entitle, entrust, hold, impart, invest, own, pin.

  1. наделять
  2. возлагать
  3. принадлежать
  4. облачаться


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и vest: vets.

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений vest на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

Where's your bulletproof vest?
Где твой бронежилет?

Tom was wearing a bulletproof vest, so the bullet didn't kill him.
Том был в бронежилете, поэтому пуля его не убила.

Tom is wearing a bulletproof vest.
Том в бронежилете.

Tom was wearing his bulletproof vest.
Том был в бронежилете.

The police officer wore a bulletproof vest.
На полицейском был пуленепробиваемый жилет.

Tom was wearing a bullet-proof vest.
Том был в пуленепробиваемом жилете.

She bought him a vest.
Она купила ему жилет.

Tom bought himself new jeans, a checkered shirt, a suede vest, and a cowboy hat.
Том купил себе новые джинсы, рубашку в клеточку, замшевый жилет и ковбойскую шляпу.

According to the rules of etiquette, a man shouldn't button the bottom button of a single-breasted jacket or vest.
По правилам этикета мужчина не должен застёгивать нижнюю пуговицу однобортного пиджака или жилета.

He's wearing a yellow vest.
На нём жёлтый жилет.

He has a yellow vest on.
На нём жёлтый жилет.

He wears a yellow vest.
Он носит жёлтый жилет.

Tom wears a modified fishing vest to hold all his harmonicas when he performs on stage.
Выступая на сцене, Том носит переделанный рыболовный жилет, вмещающий все его гармошки.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I vest We vest
You vest You vest
He/She/It vests They vest
Past Simple
I vested We vested
You vested You vested
He/She/It vested They vested
Future Simple
I will vest We will vest
You will vest You will vest
He/She/It will vest They will vest

Present Continuous
I am vesting We are vesting
You are vesting You are vesting
He/She/It is vesting They are vesting
Past Continuous
I was vesting We were vesting
You were vesting You were vesting
He/She/It was vesting They were vesting
Future Continuous
I will be vesting We will be vesting
You will be vesting You will be vesting
He/She/It will be vesting They will be vesting

Present Perfect
I have vested We have vested
You have vested You have vested
He/She/It has vested They have vested
Past Perfect
I had vested We had vested
You had vested You had vested
He/She/It had vested They had vested
Future Perfect
I will have vested We will have vested
You will have vested You will have vested
He/She/It will have vested They will have vested

md5 hash от слова vest: 8140abdd84a255ca09b9c6308e36dcbb


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