

noun существительное

Синонимы: fat.

  1. ворвань
  2. китовый жир
  3. лишний жир

verb глагол

Синонимы: cry, lament, tear, weep.

  1. плакать

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: adipose, cetacean, grease, whale.

  1. китовый
  2. жировой

Примеры предложений

Atuqtuaq helps his mother take the blubber from the seal carcass.
Атуктуак помогает своей матери снять жир с туши тюленя.

Atuqtuaq eats the seal blubber uncooked.
Атуктуак ест тюленью ворвань сырой.

Atuqtuaq put the blubber into the wooden box.
Атуктуак положил ворвань в деревянный ящик.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I blubber We blubber
You blubber You blubber
He/She/It blubbers They blubber
Past Simple
I blubbered We blubbered
You blubbered You blubbered
He/She/It blubbered They blubbered
Future Simple
I will blubber We will blubber
You will blubber You will blubber
He/She/It will blubber They will blubber

Present Continuous
I am blubbering We are blubbering
You are blubbering You are blubbering
He/She/It is blubbering They are blubbering
Past Continuous
I was blubbering We were blubbering
You were blubbering You were blubbering
He/She/It was blubbering They were blubbering
Future Continuous
I will be blubbering We will be blubbering
You will be blubbering You will be blubbering
He/She/It will be blubbering They will be blubbering

Present Perfect
I have blubbered We have blubbered
You have blubbered You have blubbered
He/She/It has blubbered They have blubbered
Past Perfect
I had blubbered We had blubbered
You had blubbered You had blubbered
He/She/It had blubbered They had blubbered
Future Perfect
I will have blubbered We will have blubbered
You will have blubbered You will have blubbered
He/She/It will have blubbered They will have blubbered

md5 hash от слова blubber: 08da50bd109c7fb1bec49d15ae86e55f


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