

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): drones.

Синонимы: ammunition, apparatus, bomb, boom, droning, goole, hum, munition, projectile, rumble, shell.

  1. гул

    drone of engines
    гул двигателей

    monotonous drone
    монотонное гудение

  2. трутень
  3. беспилотник
  4. дрон

    combat drone
    боевой дрон

  5. снаряд
  6. управляемый снаряд

verb глагол

Синонимы: boom, hoot, hum, roar.

  1. гудеть

adjective прилагательное

Синонимы: unmanned.

  1. беспилотный

    drone aircraft
    беспилотный самолет

  2. трутневой

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений drone на 1 миллион слов: 3.

Примеры предложений

The bee makes honey, which the drone devours. The wasp and the hornet molest with a sting: and especially cattle, so do the gadfly (breeze), the fly and the gnat.
Пчела делает мед, который трутень пожирает. Оса и шершень досаждают жалом: и особенно крупный рогатый скот, так же поступают овод (ветерок), муха и комар.

Long story short, she’s on the No Fly List and we might have been followed here by drone.
Короче говоря, она в Списке запрещенных к полетам, и за нами, возможно, следил беспилотник.

I want to buy a drone, but my parents won't let me.
Я хочу купить беспилотник, но мои родители мне не разрешают.

Tom lost his drone.
Том потерял своего дрона.

Tom wants to buy a drone.
Том хочет купить беспилотник.

Tom bought a drone.
Том купил беспилотник.

A soporific drone sounds all around.
Вокруг раздается усыпляющий гул.

The video is made by a drone.
Видео снято беспилотником.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I drone We drone
You drone You drone
He/She/It drones They drone
Past Simple
I droned We droned
You droned You droned
He/She/It droned They droned
Future Simple
I will drone We will drone
You will drone You will drone
He/She/It will drone They will drone

Present Continuous
I am droning We are droning
You are droning You are droning
He/She/It is droning They are droning
Past Continuous
I was droning We were droning
You were droning You were droning
He/She/It was droning They were droning
Future Continuous
I will be droning We will be droning
You will be droning You will be droning
He/She/It will be droning They will be droning

Present Perfect
I have droned We have droned
You have droned You have droned
He/She/It has droned They have droned
Past Perfect
I had droned We had droned
You had droned You had droned
He/She/It had droned They had droned
Future Perfect
I will have droned We will have droned
You will have droned You will have droned
He/She/It will have droned They will have droned

md5 hash от слова drone: 030e39a1278a18828389b194b93211aa



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