

noun существительное

Синонимы: accent, backdrop, background, boom, buzz, buzzing, drone, droning, goole, murmur, patois, rumble, speech.

  1. жужжание

    hum of insects
    жужжание насекомых

    low hum
    низкочастотное гудение

  2. гул

    hum of voices
    гул голосов

    constant hum
    постоянный шум

  3. фон
  4. говор
  5. приглушенный шум

verb глагол

Синонимы: boom, drone, hoot, roar.

  1. гудеть
  2. мурлыкать
  3. напевать
  4. напевать под нос

interjection междометие

Синонимы: hem.

  1. ГМ

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений hum на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

I hear the buzz of a fan, the drip of the faucet, the hum of the fridge, the tick of the clock, the whoosh of cars passing by the house.
Я слышу, как жужжит вентилятор, капает кран, гудит холодильник, тикают часы, машины со свистом проносятся около дома.

A melody is not merely something you can hum.
Мелодия — не только то, что можно напеть себе под нос.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I hum We hum
You hum You hum
He/She/It hums They hum
Past Simple
I hummed We hummed
You hummed You hummed
He/She/It hummed They hummed
Future Simple
I will hum We will hum
You will hum You will hum
He/She/It will hum They will hum

Present Continuous
I am humming We are humming
You are humming You are humming
He/She/It is humming They are humming
Past Continuous
I was humming We were humming
You were humming You were humming
He/She/It was humming They were humming
Future Continuous
I will be humming We will be humming
You will be humming You will be humming
He/She/It will be humming They will be humming

Present Perfect
I have hummed We have hummed
You have hummed You have hummed
He/She/It has hummed They have hummed
Past Perfect
I had hummed We had hummed
You had hummed You had hummed
He/She/It had hummed They had hummed
Future Perfect
I will have hummed We will have hummed
You will have hummed You will have hummed
He/She/It will have hummed They will have hummed

md5 hash от слова hum: 98858152b109f361d6a7324615da8c1f


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