

noun существительное

множественное число (plural): tweaks.

Синонимы: adjusting, counter, customization, customizing, nip, preference, reset, token, tune, tuning.

  1. щипок
  2. настройка
  3. фишка

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple): tweaked.
причастие прошедшего времени (past participle): tweaked.

Синонимы: pluck, configure, dispose, graze, jerk, nibble, nip, set, settings, tailor, yank.

  1. щипать
  2. настроить
  3. подправить
  4. отладить
  5. дергать

Примеры предложений

You only need to tweak the wording. You don't need to rewrite the whole thing.
Нужно лишь немного перефразировать. Всё переписывать не надо.

Could you tweak the audio settings a little? The bass is too loud.
Не мог бы ты немного подкрутить настройки звука? Басы слишком громкие.

Don't tweak his nose again or he'll bite you.
Больше не щипли его за нос, а то он тебя укусит.

Формы глагола

Present Simple
I tweak We tweak
You tweak You tweak
He/She/It tweaks They tweak
Past Simple
I tweaked We tweaked
You tweaked You tweaked
He/She/It tweaked They tweaked
Future Simple
I will tweak We will tweak
You will tweak You will tweak
He/She/It will tweak They will tweak

Present Continuous
I am tweaking We are tweaking
You are tweaking You are tweaking
He/She/It is tweaking They are tweaking
Past Continuous
I was tweaking We were tweaking
You were tweaking You were tweaking
He/She/It was tweaking They were tweaking
Future Continuous
I will be tweaking We will be tweaking
You will be tweaking You will be tweaking
He/She/It will be tweaking They will be tweaking

Present Perfect
I have tweaked We have tweaked
You have tweaked You have tweaked
He/She/It has tweaked They have tweaked
Past Perfect
I had tweaked We had tweaked
You had tweaked You had tweaked
He/She/It had tweaked They had tweaked
Future Perfect
I will have tweaked We will have tweaked
You will have tweaked You will have tweaked
He/She/It will have tweaked They will have tweaked

md5 hash от слова tweak: 6c3226986b4cce2eebc99e74771f5851


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